Metal Stamping Equipment & Technology

Atlantic Precision Spring continues to improve our technology in order to exceed our customers’ expectations when it comes to manufacturing precision metal stampings. The newest addition is our Keyence IM Vision System. This piece of equipment is able to reduce time to produce jobs making us much more efficient.

First Article Inspection

At Atlantic Precision Spring, production does not begin until a First Article Inspection FAI is complete and approved. The time-consuming part of a FAI is that it is an inspection of all dimensions of a part. A proper process should include this on not just one part but many parts. By following the guidelines of process inspection tables, this determination can be made. This process of FAI used to take many hours, sometimes longer because failing the first FAI requiring then issuing another FAI. Now FAI’s are using the Keyence Vision System. Accomplishing the same task in minutes! Essentially, this eliminates what used to be a bottleneck of work waiting in the queue because of the time and effort looking at each dimension.

Keyence Vision System

Keyence IM vision system

The Keyence Vision System is able to check 99 different dimensions per part. The computer system within this unit automatically orientates the part to the designed dimensions. This is helpful because no filtering is required! This process of inspection only takes 3-7 seconds. Multiple parts can be added and inspected at the same time, limiting and even removing any additional time for inspection. Just place the part or parts on the glass and press the inspect button. After the computer calculates the predetermined calculations the screen will give the green light showing the parts are all predetermined or red if they are out. Since all the data is stored, it can be extracted using an internal Keyence statistical process control program.

At Atlantic Precision Spring we value quality, precision, and proven performance to ensure our customers receive the best product available. Request a quote for your next project with us!

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